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The Cad Cadaver
by Richard Linley, © 1996, 1998.

Also available as a Christmas mystery: Tis the Season to be Murdered. ringing bell graphic

It is 1978. You are a guest of Lord and Lady Taverham as they celebrate an historic anniversary at their stately home in London, England. The spirit of the occasion is marred, however, by one regrettable development: The Taverhams' impetuous daughter, Lady Elaine, has fallen in love with the punk son of a dustman!

Things quickly go from bad to worse as a valuable necklace disappears and the police are summoned. The investigation has barely begun, however, when one of the players in this drama falls victim to a crime much worse than robbery.

Join Chief Inspector Humphries in his quest for answers in this action-filled and many-layered mystery.

© Partners In Crime, 2002 – 2024.

Mysteries and plot summaries are copyrighted by individual authors.